Nathan Campbell

Nathan Campbell

Men's Minister

Life Story

I'm a native of Dayton, Ohio, and a native of the local church; I've been in the pews since I've been in the womb. Some of my earliest memories as a child are centered around my family's dinner table, when I wanted nothing more than to pray and thank God for our meal. As a kid, I was insatiably curious about theology—some things never change—and would regularly pester my mom all afternoon with questions about God. But, despite my desire and curiosity, I was still lost.

When I was 7 years old—with the impetus of my grandpa's death—those seeds that the Lord had planted in my heart as a young child were watered and began to grow. I was suddenly confronted with the most important question that has ever been asked: Who do you say Jesus is? So, with childlike faith, I asked Jesus to save me from my sins. Soon after, my salvation was publicly pictured by being buried with Christ in baptism and being raised to walk in newness of life!

As a newly minted follower of Christ, I sought to know more about my Savior and learn all that I could about Him, however I could. From my theological education at Liberty University and Southern Seminary, to my daily meditation on the Word of God, I have found that the more I dive into the depths of the Word of God, the more treasures that I find and the more I am transformed and invited into the beautifully messy family of God.

Hope for The Village Church

My hope for The Village is that we would be a people who dive deep into Scripture and theology, bringing up treasures of deep transformation for the glory of God and the joy of a diverse people.