Channing Rothwell

Channing Rothwell

Staff Development Director

Life Story

I grew up in Lewisville, Texas, with my parents and four siblings. I was blessed to grow up in a home that loved the Lord and edified my relationship with Christ. I accepted Christ as my Savior when I was 7 and was baptized shortly after.

I grew up following all of the rules and strived to be the “good Christian girl.” Although I truly loved the Lord, I believe the legalism and “works-based” aspect of my relationship with Him ruled my every move more than my love for Him. I met my husband, Jack, in 2009 and began attending The Village with him. We became Covenant Members in 2010.

On July 12, 2010, I received the kind of phone call that no one ever wants to get. My 18-year-old brother had taken his life. I became numb. I have suffered with depression for most of my life, but around the one-year anniversary of Carson’s death, it worsened. I was desperate to “feel better”; I wanted my life to go back to normal. The Lord used His Word, my husband, biblical counseling, our Home Group and Steps at The Village to reveal so many areas of my life that I had not handed over to Him. By the grace of God, He showed me that it wasn’t about me; it was about knowing Him and glorifying Him. It was in the sanctuary during a weekend service at The Village when the Lord revealed to me that my stability was placed in my family and friends and not in Him. That moment, I believe, was the moment where my faith became my own.

From that moment on, so many things were revealed in my heart and continue to be daily. The Lord revealed my legalistic heart, the bitterness and resentment I had held on to for too long, the guilt I carried from my brother’s death, and so many other things. I am so grateful for how the Lord loves me despite my wicked and sinful heart.

Hope for The Village Church

My hope for The Village is that we would not take the call that the Lord has placed on our lives lightly. I pray that we would continue to push back the darkness in a world that so desperately needs Jesus Christ.