Michelle Holmgren

Michelle Holmgren

Women's Associate Minister

Life Story

I was born to two teenagers and spent most of my childhood being raised by my grandparents. Although I attended church with my grandparents, I didn't truly know the Lord until my aunt began taking me to church with her. I became a Christian at the age of 12 at a Christian summer camp. After spending my later teen years and early 20s not pursuing the Lord, I leaned into Him calling me back to Him in 2008, and was baptized in 2009. Nothing brings me more joy than pursuing the Lord through love, knowledge, and relationships. 

In 2004, I married my high school sweetheart and quickly had two children. Getting married at a young age brought with it multiple challenges. My husband and I both needed to mature and were not pursuing God early on. In our fifth year of marriage, our brokenness couldn't be hidden anymore and we had to face it head-on. During this time we grew in our relationship with the Lord, and He became the center of our marriage. He brought healing, grace, and transformation to our marriage. 

We moved to Texas in 2015 and have been a part of The Village Church family ever since. Here I have grown leaps and bounds in my Christian faith. The Lord has shown me and continues to show me that He has a plan and that He will guide each one of my steps as that plan unfolds. I only need to trust Him. Here I have found my love of theology, which led me to pursue and complete my MDiv in Great Commission Studies.

Hope for The Village Church

My hope for The Village is that we are a gospel-centered people who pursue a deeper knowledge of God that is personally transformative and foundational to how we love, serve, and disciple others.