Lehia Murray

Lehia Murray

Preschool Minister

Life Story

I grew up in a small town in beautiful East Texas surrounded by family and close friends who loved and encouraged me. While there were parts of growing up that were extremely difficult, I have many memories of people and moments that blessed my life and shaped my values and character in the best ways.
For as long as I can remember, my parents and grandparents would speak of the Lord and taught me to pursue His will above my own. From an early age, my identity was found in my involvement in our church. My relationship with the Lord was based upon my own actions—doing right, thinking right and convincing others to do the same. I quickly found out I couldn’t be perfect and the more I tried, the more I failed. It was discouraging and confusing, but I continued striving in my own strength to be the best Christian I could be.
In the past few years, the Lord has brought people and ministries into my life that have completely changed the trajectory of my faith. My eyes have been opened to the truth that I can’t get it all together—and that the Lord is not surprised by that. My sin is forever covered by Christ’s blood, and I don’t have to feel guilt or shame.
Now, I live in Lewisville with my sweet husband Spencer and the world’s cutest dog. We’ve been members at The Village since May 2016 and are constantly humbled by the opportunities the Lord has given us to grow and serve alongside this body of believers.

Hope for The Village Church

My hope for the Village is that we would be a family that walks faithfully, serving one another as we have been commanded because we believe the Lord knows and does what is best.