Justin Joy

Trevor Joy

Pastor/Executive Director, Missions

Life Story

Like many people in the Bible belt, I was raised in a "Christian home" where following Christ held the same weight as working with your hands, playing sports, and being a patriotic republican. It was what you did, not who you were. Looking back I see the sweet and sovereign hand of God reaching into my life in high school right about the same time as the decisions I was beginning to make would have long lasting consequences. My story is unique in that when I began to follow Christ, God brought a godly man very quickly into my life for me to follow. It was through this discipleship relationship that I was able to taste of the deeper things of God and witness what it looked like to authentically place one's life under the authority of the scriptures.

God's grace continued to pour on my life when I went to Texas A&M where not only did He give me the woman of my dreams, my wife Rachel, but also called us into the ministry. During my time at A&M, I was blessed to be a part of and serve in a great fellowship of men where I got to see first hand the transforming work of the gospel in a believer's heart. The community I experienced there was so life-breathing that it left a foot print on my soul that feeds my passion for ministry today. Upon leaving Texas A&M, my wife and I served in a national college ministry for two years and then a church plant in Frisco, Texas for three years before God called us to move to The Village Church to join in building biblical community here. We were recently blessed with the arrival of our first child, Addison Rebecca Joy. She is an amazing blessing, and we praise God for His grace in entrusting us with such a beautiful soul.

Hope for The Village Church

"In him we have redemption through his blood, the forgiveness of our trespasses according to the riches of His grace, which he lavished upon us in all wisdom and insight making known to us the mystery if His will, according to His purpose, which He set forth in Christ as a plan for the fullness of time, to unite all things in him, things in heaven and things on earth." Ephesians 1:7-10

My heart for the Village Church is that we can be a community of believers who submit ourselves to the authority of scripture and give our lives away for the gospel of Jesus Christ! To be a place where people find deep, biblical community and, by the grace and mercy of God, invest their lives and gifts to see one another be daily transformed into the image of Christ.