Justin Elafros

Justin Elafros

Minister, Senior Director, Adult Ministries

Life Story

I was born and raised in Chicago, where God graciously placed me into a family of believers. Though I grew up in the suburbs, we would go to the heart of the city to attend Moody Church where my extended family had been for 40 years. I accepted Christ at a young age but didn't truly start following Him until I was 16 years old.

When I was 12, my parents got divorced. That was a difficult time for my family and in some ways may have stunted my spiritual growth, but I don't believe it was only my circumstances that "held me back" spiritually. In fact, I would say the opposite. I had an apathetic spirit and was more interested in sports and being the "good kid" than in truly submitting myself to the Lord. However, that all changed when I started to go to Kanakuk, a Christian sports camp that lifts high the name Jesus. It was there that the Lord started to get a hold of my heart. Ever since that summer at camp, the Lord has continued to confirm His calling on my life.

I met my beautiful wife at Moody Bible Institute, and we got married in 2009. Since then, the Lord has been faithful to our family in amazing, palpable ways. He has continued to grow our heart for discipleship and missional living. Before coming to The Village Church, I was on staff at Cedarville University which provided a training ground for the work we are doing now. By the grace of God, the more I learn about Him the more I love Him.

My wife and I are so grateful to be here at The Village and to be part of a community that loves Jesus and wants to make His name great! We have three children the Lord continually uses to sanctify us—Cooper, Beckham and Adelynn.

Hope for The Village Church

My hope and prayer for The Village is that we will be a people who are completely and fully satisfied by Jesus.