Angelica Garcia

Angie Garcia

Young Adults Ministry Assistant

Life Story

I was born and raised in Homestead, Florida on the outskirts of Miami. It was here I met my husband, at the age of 19, and married at 21. My walk with Christ began later in my adolescence, I started attending church when I was 12 years old when I was invited by a school friend. After that day, my family decided to continue going. I had a lot of pain and hurt, I guarded myself, but the Lord was faithful. It took two years of God knocking at my heart for me to finally receive and accept Jesus as my Lord and Savior. Since then, I’ve made it my mission to impact lives with the gospel and to live out God’s truth. 

Hope for The Village Church

My hope is that we would be a serving body and a welcoming home to everyone who walks in. May God’s love be so abundant here, that it draws people into His kingdom.