Tamilyn Giles

Tami Giles

Student Coordinator

Life Story

I was born and raised in Pensacola, Florida, and moved north of Atlanta, GA during middle school. Up to this point, every sphere of my life seemed to be a Christian setting—school, dance studio, family, friends, etc. I remember praying with my mom to accept Jesus when I was around five or six years old. I had a relationship with God and can remember praying often about things that I wanted for Him to change, like sick relatives or family members who didn’t believe in Him. I watched God answer many of these prayers and understood that He really does hear us and care about us. 

I was baptized in high school, and deeply desired for people to know Jesus as their Lord and Savior. While I believed that Jesus loved me, saved me, and was with me, I also believed that because of this, I was a little better than “those people” who still needed Jesus. I thought my role, now that I knew Him, was to hold it all together and not have as many difficult emotions during hard times so that others could “see Jesus” through my life.

Through my college years and beyond, God used many things to unravel some of the untrue messages that I had intertwined with the true message of the gospel. Those years consisted of challenging family circumstances, a mission trip to India, serving a group of high schoolers at my church, and many painful moments of doubt, fear, and grief. I started counseling and attended a Bible study through the book of Romans. God used this group to stop me in my tracks in amazement of His mercy and grace! He showed me so clearly that it wasn’t just “us” or “them” who needed God’s mercy. It’s me. And the best news is that He has already done everything necessary for me to not only be forgiven but also to be adopted as His child—made fully righteous by the blood of Christ.

I moved to Dallas, TX a couple of years after college pursuing a degree at Dallas Theological Seminary. I met my husband, Matthew, in 2021, and we married in April 2023. I know and pray that God will continue to pursue our hearts, showing us more and more truthfully the beauty of who He is and what He’s done for us in Christ. 

Hope for The Village Church

I hope we are a place where the gospel is proclaimed for the glory of God, where people bring the real things in their lives through the doors and are met with the love of Christ and the message of the gospel.