As children of God and heirs to the kingdom that is coming, how do we live as temporary citizens on earth? Do we go all in on political ideologies knowing that we as Christians should take a stand? Do we sit back and let the worldly parties run their course knowing God has it all under control?

It is in our nature to be swept up in the cultural moment and believe there are empires to build and thrones to be overtaken. But we already have a King and His Kingdom is everlasting. He did not come to capture lands, but hearts. He did not come to break enemy lines, but chains, addictions, and even bread. He brought new wine to parched and weary souls. He was enthroned as King, not through acquisition or human inheritance, but crucifixion. So we, His image bearers, ambassadors, and heirs to His Kingdom herald this His news, doing our best as people of peace to bend swords into ploughshares and hold tension and space for the difference of opinion.

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