

Wrong Responses to Culture

Matt Chandler | Mar 9, 2018

As we seek to be the people God has called us to be in this culture, there are three temptations we face: converting ...

Christendom and How We Got Here

Matt Chandler | Mar 2, 2018

Following the Early Church’s persecution, there was a time in which Christianity had cultural favor in power. Post-En...

The Good News of the Gospel

Matt Chandler | Feb 28, 2018

Christianity is more than mere morality. The good news is that God made a way for us to have a relationship with Him ...

What We Can Learn From MLK Jr.

Matt Chandler | Feb 20, 2018

Though imperfect, Martin Luther King Jr. set for us a picture of how a church can be involved in pushing back darknes...

Connecting Your Faith to Your Work

Matt Chandler | Feb 15, 2018

When we find our meaning in God alone, everything else in our lives should reflect that, including our work. This mea...

The Season of Lent

Matt Chandler | Feb 14, 2018

The season of Lent is about identifying with the suffering and temptation of Jesus Christ for 40 days preceding Holy ...

Should Christians Denounce the Term “Evangelical”?

Matt Chandler | Feb 13, 2018

The definition of “evangelical” differs among the media and traditional churchgoers. While we can’t necessarily...

Should Church Be Fun?

Matt Chandler | Feb 8, 2018

The gathering is not made for mere consumption and entertainment. God’s people are called to gather and participate i...

Is It Possible to Abuse Spiritual Gifts?

Matt Chandler | Jan 25, 2018

As sinners, we’re bent to abuse spiritual gifts. As believers, we should seek to biblically correct, encourage and di...

How Do We Pray for Healing?

Matt Chandler | Jan 19, 2018

When we pray for healing, we have to ask and fully expect the Holy Spirit to heal in that moment, and we must also ho...

Attending a Church With Different Theology

Matt Chandler | Jan 11, 2018

When thinking about a church’s theology, it’s important to check that it aligns with the core tenets of the Christian...

Is Seminary Necessary for Ministry?

Matt Chandler | Jan 3, 2018

Seminary is not the only place where leaders can be trained, but there are essential skills and knowledge that those ...