

Should Churches Have Dedicated Learning Environments?

Jen Wilkin | Jul 6, 2018

Active, dedicated learning environments ensure that classes inform the minds of students, which then informs their em...

Discipling the Whole Person with Andy Crouch

Matt Chandler | Jul 3, 2018

Have you ever considered what it means, exactly, to be a person? In this roundtable discussion with Andy Crouch, we d...

Why Do We Focus on Bible Literacy in Classes?

Jen Wilkin | Jun 28, 2018

Bible literacy is a huge issue in the Church today, but learning how to spend time in and gain knowledge from Scriptu...

What Three Skills Will Students Learn in Classes?

Jen Wilkin | Jun 19, 2018

We want to make sure students learn how to do three things as they begin studying their Bibles — how to think, how to...

Why Should You Invest Precious Discretionary Time in Classes?

Jen Wilkin | Jun 12, 2018

Time is a precious resource, so when you choose to spend it in a class, we want to make sure it’s worthwhile. By prov...

The Season of Pentecost

May 21, 2018

Pentecost marks the moment Jesus ascended to heaven and the Holy Spirit came to dwell in the hearts of God’s people. ...

What is the Kingdom of God?

Matt Chandler | May 3, 2018

The Season of Easter

Apr 17, 2018

We typically only celebrate Resurrection Sunday, but historically, the Church viewed Easter as a seven week season of...

What Does Evangelism Look Like in Today’s Culture?

Apr 4, 2018

When we show hospitality to all those around us, we honor them as people created in the image of God. Through our ser...

Walk With You

Mar 30, 2018

Honoring the 50th anniversary of Martin Luther King Jr.’s death, "Walk With You” proclaims the message of racia...

How Do We Find Courage in Our Current Culture?

Mar 28, 2018

We grow in courage when we fix our eyes on God, who is infinitely rich and wise. The Lord is a victorious warrior who...

Is Christianity Flourishing?

Mar 22, 2018

It’s important to remember a global view of God’s people when we think about the cultural climate and the state of th...