

How Laws Altered the Israelites’ Lives

Kyle Worley | Mar 9, 2017

“Liturgy” means “work of the people” and encompasses all of life—everything was to center around God. As ...

How to Love Your Kids During Communion

Charity Ready | Mar 8, 2017

Because communion is meant only for the believer, parents should guide their children to partake or abstain accordingly.

Is Cultural Engagement Part of the Great Commission?

Andy Crouch | Mar 7, 2017

Without relationship with God, you will never fully bear His image. We make disciples in order to make full human bei...

Practical Ways to Pursue Racial Reconciliation

Bryan Loritts | Mar 1, 2017

In order to build bridges, there must be a driving sense of sensitivity, awareness and compassion toward people who a...

How to Minister to a Woman Struggling With Same-Sex Attraction

Jackie Hill Perry | Feb 28, 2017

Part of being a human being means that we’re born in sin, and we all have certain inclinations that are wrong. But if...

What God’s Covenant With the Israelites Signifies

Kyle Worley | Feb 27, 2017

The covenant God makes with Moses is rooted in the covenant He made with Abraham and involves three pieces: dwelling,...

What Is Lent?

Matt Chandler | Feb 24, 2017

For many, Lent has become an empty ritual, but what is it really meant to be? The goal of Lent is not to give things ...

Why Is Mount Sinai Significant?

Kyle Worley | Feb 21, 2017

In Exodus 19, God speaks to Moses and the Israelites at Mount Sinai. He tells them that if they obey Him and keep His...

What Role Did Women Play in Exodus 16-40?

Jen Wilkin | Feb 17, 2017

In thinking about the construction and upkeep of the tabernacle, we assume it was all done by men, but that was likel...

Where Does Work Fit Into the Biblical Story?

Marshall Smith | Feb 10, 2017

To see our work as a calling to serve others is vocation. Wherever we are called, we should do all things with excell...

What is the Point of the Cain and Abel Story?

Gregory Alan Thornbury | Feb 8, 2017

There are many interpretations of why God preferred Abel’s offering over Cain’s in Genesis 4. Hebrew interpreters poi...

Will God Dwell With His People Again?

JT English | Feb 7, 2017

After the Fall, one of the fundamental questions is, “Will we ever get to experience God’s presence again?” We ...