

5 Solas: Christ Alone

JT English | Oct 19, 2017

Sola Christus, “Christ alone,” is one of the five theological principles of the Reformation. The message of the...

What Is Predestination?

Matt Chandler | Oct 18, 2017

Predestination is God’s complete and powerful sovereignty over the salvation of men and women.

5 Solas: Grace Alone

Jamin Roller | Oct 16, 2017

Sola gratia, “grace alone,” is one of the five theological principles of the Reformation. Grace is God’s undese...

5 Solas: Faith Alone

Kyle Worley | Oct 13, 2017

Sola fide, “faith alone,” is one of the five theological principles of the Reformation. Faith is a gift of God ...

Common Discouragements of a Worship Leader

Randy Fuller | Oct 11, 2017

There are several common discouragements worship leaders can face, but the gospel brings encouragement when they come.

Should Christians Be Environmentalists?

Matt Chandler | Oct 10, 2017

As viceroys of God in this world, Christians should care about environmental issues, but they cannot be our main focu...

Who Is Martin Luther?

Coleman Ford | Oct 10, 2017

Martin Luther stands out as the spark in the powder keg of the Reformation. He nailed “The 95 Theses” to the do...

5 Solas: Scripture Alone

Jen Wilkin | Oct 9, 2017

Sola scriptura, “Scripture alone,” is one of the five theological principles of the Reformation. It guards agai...

The Problem With “Quiet Time”

Jen Wilkin | Oct 6, 2017

Many people who grow up in church are taught to have a daily “quiet time” with the Lord. But is that time enoug...

What Issues Should Divide and Unite Christians?

Matt Chandler | Oct 4, 2017

As Christians, we strive for unity, so why is there so much division among the Church? Often it’s open-handed issues ...

What Is the Reformation?

JT English | Oct 3, 2017

October 31, 1517, is one of the most significant days in Church History. The Reformation was a recovery of many impor...

Why Racism Is an Imago Dei Issue

Matt Chandler | Sep 27, 2017

By having a robust understanding and practice of the imago dei, the Church can become something the world looks to as...