

What Is a Liturgy?

Randy Fuller | Nov 29, 2017

“Liturgy” means the work of the people. We discuss how every church has a liturgy and the importance of being i...

The Role of Women in Ministry

Matt Chandler | Nov 28, 2017

In this roundtable discussion, we talk about the role of women in ministry. As a complementarian church, we believe m...

Why Follow the Church Calendar?

Matt Chandler | Nov 27, 2017

Following the Church Calendar is not a cold, dead ritual but a way to counteract the false stories of the world by li...

Studying the Bible: Part 2 – Interpretation

Jen Wilkin | Nov 24, 2017

Meaning is determined by the author and discovered by the reader. Interpretation answers the question, “What does thi...

Church Membership

Matt Chandler | Nov 22, 2017

At this roundtable, we have a conversation about church membership, including the Scriptural precedent for local chur...

Studying the Bible: Part 1 – Comprehension

Jen Wilkin | Nov 15, 2017

Comprehension is the first step to gaining Bible literacy, and it’s often the step people take the least amount of ti...

Multi-Site and Campus Transitions

Matt Chandler | Nov 14, 2017

In this roundtable discussion, we talk about our multi-site model and campus transitions, discussing the strengths an...

Should We Be Poor and Homeless Like Jesus?

Matt Chandler | Nov 8, 2017

Everything we have has been given to us by God, and it’s our job to steward it for His glory. It’s not necessarily a ...

How to Approach the Bible

Jen Wilkin | Nov 1, 2017

The Bible is much more than a book, but it is a book, and we should approach it as we would other written texts.

Is Singleness a Gift?

Oct 27, 2017

Where you are in life right now is God’s gift to you. Single or married, there are benefits and difficulties to your ...

Who Is John Calvin?

Coleman Ford | Oct 25, 2017

John Calvin is often given the title “the theologian of the Holy Spirit,” as he strove to live in the Spirit an...

5 Solas: God’s Glory Alone

Jamin Roller | Oct 23, 2017

Soli Deo gloria, “God’s glory alone,” is one of the five theological principles of the Reformation. It summariz...