Kyle Worley | Aug 3, 2014
The Colossians series looks at the person of Jesus Christ and who He is. Covering the history of Rome and how it was ...
Mason King | Jul 27, 2014
Josh Patterson | Jul 27, 2014
The book of Titus is full of rules. But the motivation for these rules is not legalism. It is the incarnation of the ...
Matt Chandler | Jul 20, 2014
Matt Chandler | Jul 13, 2014
Matt Chandler | Jul 6, 2014
Matt Chandler | Jun 29, 2014
How are we to steward our money, resources and gifts? In walking through this series, our focus is on having generous...
Matt Chandler | Jun 22, 2014
Matt Chandler | Jun 15, 2014
Matt Chandler | Jun 1, 2014
Matt Chandler | May 11, 2014
Gods plan to make disciples of all nations that have been taught to obey all that He commanded them has been establis...
Matt Chandler | May 4, 2014
The Governor of Caesarea, Felix, keeps Paul under house arrest. Festus replaces Felix as governor, and Paul appeals f...