

We Do Not Lose Heart

Mike Dsane | Apr 10, 2016

Get Out of the Boat

Blake Chilton | Apr 10, 2016

The Ascension: Why Did He Go

Jamin Roller | Apr 10, 2016

The Gospel in the Sermon on the Mount

Scott Brooks | Apr 3, 2016

The Kingdom of Heaven Here and Now

Matt Younger | Apr 3, 2016

The Resurrection and the Life

Matt Chandler | Mar 27, 2016

I am the resurrection and the life. Jesus claims to be the One who will raise all who believe in Him from physical de...

The True Vine

Matt Chandler | Mar 19, 2016

I am the true vine. Jesus claims to be the True Israel, the planting of the Lord. Jesus is the True Vine, and His peo...

The Way, the Truth and the Life

Matt Chandler | Mar 13, 2016

I am the way, the truth, and the life. Jesus claims to be the true revelation from the Father. No one comes to the Fa...

The Good Shepherd

Matt Chandler | Feb 28, 2016

I am the good shepherd. Jesus claims to be One with God, leading the lost sheep to the Father. He is the Shepherd of ...

The Door - Flower Mound

Robert Daniels | Feb 21, 2016

I am the door. Jesus claims to be the one and only opening to God. Through Jesus, the people of God will be brought ...

The Bread of Life - Flower Mound

Jamin Roller | Feb 7, 2016

I am the bread of life. Jesus claims to be the ultimate satisfaction for all people, more than mere manna in the wild...

I Am

Matt Chandler | Jan 31, 2016

The Gospel of John paints a profound picture of Jesus ChristHis character, His motives, His interactionsas He echoes ...