

Honoring Dad

Matt Younger | Jun 18, 2017

The Long Game

Matt Chandler | Jun 11, 2017

From Song of Solomon 7, we see several ways to cultivate our marriages: pay attention, pursue fun, be disciplined in ...

Physical Intimacy

Matt Chandler | Jun 4, 2017

Sex can be really beautiful or really dangerous because it brings the body and soul into a kind of wholeness not othe...

What Is Marriage?

Matt Chandler | May 28, 2017

The heart of the biblical idea of marriage is the covenant. It is not about the husband and wife adjusting to one ano...

Drawn In

Matt Chandler | May 21, 2017

In Exodus 40, we see God’s eagerness to fulfill His covenantal promises. His holiness is displayed yet again as the t...

Understanding Glory, Part 2

Matt Chandler | May 14, 2017

God helps us to have a vertical relationship with Him that leads to a horizontal community with others on mission. We...

Understanding Glory, Part 1

Matt Chandler | May 7, 2017

In Exodus 37, we see the people of God doing what He commanded in Exodus 25. What makes us distinct as the people of ...

Generous Hearts and Hands

Matt Chandler | Apr 30, 2017

One of the things that should distinctly mark the people of God is our generosity, which is motivated by God’s genero...

The God of Mercy and Glory

Matt Chandler | Apr 23, 2017

In Exodus 33-34, we see that God is both glorious and merciful. For Him to be one without the other would not be good...

Falling Into Forgetfulness

Matt Chandler | Apr 16, 2017

Like the Israelites in Exodus 32, we often turn back to our sins after God saves us. We blame others and justify ours...

Work and Rest

Matt Chandler | Apr 9, 2017

In Exodus 31, God tells Moses that keeping the Sabbath is of utmost importance. Our Sabbath rest comes through Jesus ...

The Way Into His Presence

Matt Chandler | Apr 2, 2017

We see the seriousness of our sin through the instructions God gives to Aaron and his sons as priests. Under the new ...