

Different King, Different Kingdom - Southlake

Rex Cole | Apr 16, 2020

This is a sermon preached at the Southlake campus.

Living Into Reality

Apr 14, 2020

The glorious resurrection of Jesus Christ invites us into union with Him and allows us to set our minds on the things...

Easter 2020 - Southlake

Apr 12, 2020

This is a sermon preached at the Southlake campus.


Apr 7, 2020

When we cry out to Jesus, we must remember that beyond simply meeting our felt needs, He wants to give us the ultimat...

Cultivating Delight

Mar 31, 2020

In Psalm 37, David tells us that to combat anxiety, we must trust the Lord, do good, and commit our ways to Him.

Opportunity Knocks

Mar 23, 2020

In this difficult season of life, the Lord is graciously allowing us the chance to lean into joy, generosity, presenc...

Hold Fast and Hold Fervent

Mar 15, 2020

The people of God must keep the faith as we look forward to the glorious day when Christ will return and make all thi...

The Mission of God’s Church

Mar 9, 2020

As the people of God, we are called to pray, give, and go to make disciples of Jesus Christ from our neighborhoods to...

The Identity of God's People

Mar 2, 2020

As disciple-making disciples, we are called to be a people who engage in a lifelong process of being transformed into...

The Authority of Christ

Feb 23, 2020

In the Great Commission, Jesus proclaims what His life has always shown, that the complete authority given to Him cal...

Love of Neighbor

Feb 17, 2020

Loving our neighbor means reflecting the grace, mercy, and generosity we have personally received from God in the spa...

Love and Knowledge of Self

Feb 10, 2020

Accepting the grace God freely offers is the only way to reconcile the New Testament’s command to both deny ourselves...