JT English | Jun 17, 2018
As kingdom citizens, we’re called to reflect the gospel by living in humble imitation of Jesus.
Russell Moore | Jun 10, 2018
The cleansing of the temple reveals Christ’s love for God’s presence, the temple and His people as He intervenes to r...
Travis Cunningham | May 27, 2018
During the season of Ordinary Time, followers of Christ are on mission, making disciples as they witness to the ends ...
Matt Chandler | May 20, 2018
As we end the sermon series, we celebrate the coming of the Holy Spirit on the day of Pentecost and we remember our u...
Randy Fuller | May 16, 2018
Matt Chandler | May 14, 2018
As we await the future kingdom and a remade cosmos, body and reality, we must be on guard against misplaced hope. Whe...
Jamin Roller | May 6, 2018
In the last section of the Sermon on the Mount, we learn that Christ is the narrow way, and the heart that loves Chri...
Apr 29, 2018
The Sermon on the Mount continues as Christ shows His disciples that pursuing wholehearted devotion to Him is better ...
Matt Chandler | Apr 22, 2018
In this section of the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus teaches His disciples how to pray and warns them about the dangers ...
JT English | Apr 15, 2018
Continuing in His Sermon on the Mount, Jesus shows that He is the new Moses who will ultimately fulfill the story of ...
Matt Chandler | Apr 8, 2018
In Jesus’ Sermon on the Mount and the Beatitudes, we see a picture of the ideal person committed to following Christ.
Matt Chandler | Apr 1, 2018
In the Resurrection, all barriers to Jesus are obliterated, giving us free access to the invitation to know Him. Thro...