

Teach for the Glory of God

Coleman Wagner | Aug 31, 2017

The call to teach is a weighty one. God cares about good teaching both inside and outside of the church.

Ending the Game of Thrones Wars

David Roark | Aug 22, 2017

Christians have debated the HBO series Game of Thrones since it began in 2011. What is the deeper issue at work in th...

How to Belong to a Local Church

Jenna Lusk | Aug 8, 2017

The Church should be a safe place to be known, loved and cared for—a place you belong. It may take time, but most goo...

Fantastic Storytelling

Sean Kelly | Jul 25, 2017

The Bible is one grand, true story about God. As people made in His image, we’re drawn to stories of all kinds. They ...

The Case for Christianese

David Roark | Jul 12, 2017

Christianese gets a bad rap, but there’s a type of Christianese that is good, that sets us apart as the people of God...

Hate, Forgiveness and the Dallas Five

Vince Dang | Jul 7, 2017

As we look back on the tragedy of the Dallas police shootings in 2016, we are reminded of the only thing that can bri...

Is Racism Really a Sin?

Timothy Thomas | Jul 5, 2017

We’re quick to call racism a sin, but we tend to treat it differently than other sin. Instead of dismissing, minimizi...

The Toil of Motherhood

Sarah Long | Jun 20, 2017

God does not promise that we will see the fruit of our labor. As parents, we are entrusted with the care and raising ...

Fatherly Inspiration from Charles Spurgeon

Adam Griffin | Jun 16, 2017

Charles Haddon Spurgeon was known for his unrivaled Christian leadership both in public and in his home. May these qu...

Is There Grace in the Old Testament?

Travis Quin | May 24, 2017

It is a common misconception for Christians to think about the Old and New Testaments in two separate categories—law ...

12 Ways Your Phone Is Changing You and What We Can Do About It

David C. Smith | May 17, 2017

Tony Reinke’s book 12 Ways Your Phone Is Changing You is a sobering look at how many of us allow technology to rule o...

Whose Name Are You Chasing?

Collin Huber | May 3, 2017

The Bible tells us about the lives of "heroes" like Moses and David, but just as necessary to God’s story of redempti...