

Wait for It... Wait for It

David Gilland | Dec 6, 2016

In our world of instant gratification, waiting is hard. During the season of Advent, we have the opportunity to lean ...

The Feast of Passover and the Lord's Supper

David C. Smith | Nov 22, 2016

The purpose of Passover is threefold—to relive, reunite & redirect.

Faithful Gospel Presence in the Public Schools

Coleman Wagner | Nov 8, 2016

Though our culture would prefer faith stay in the private arena rather than the public one, God calls all Christians ...

Politics Beyond the Presidential Election

Kyle Worley | Oct 18, 2016

For active citizens, there is nothing more maddening and frustrating than the presidential election because many of u...

A Life's Worth

Adam Griffin | Sep 29, 2016

The truth is that events or persons, near or far to me, like or unlike me, are worthy of my concern and advocacy, yet...

If We Survive the Night

Mason King | Sep 13, 2016

For weeks, things have been happening. The water turned. The locusts came. Then the darkness. For three days the sun ...

The Gospel and Exodus

JT English | Aug 30, 2016

One of the greatest challenges in reading the Bible is seeing the parts in light of the whole. Just like every other ...

Perfection, the Olympics and Our Future Hope

Kyle Porter | Aug 2, 2016

There is nothing wrong with the pursuit of perfection on earth as long as we know we will never achieve it. But so ma...

Is Your Righteousness Really Like Filthy Rags?

Kyle Worley | Jul 26, 2016

As I turned to a buddy on the flight home, I began to rejoice in what we had seen and praise God for giving us the bo...

iRelationships: Love in the Digital Age

Adam Hawkins | Jul 5, 2016

Smartphones are ruining our relationships. With every moment we spend glued to our screens, we threaten to extinguish...

The Transgender Issue and Our Misplaced Fear

David Roark | Jun 21, 2016

We must not respond or act in fear, and we must also not forget that the transgender issue isn’t just an issue about ...

Reflecting God's Image by How We Respond to the Boy and the Gorilla

Karen Swallow Prior | Jun 7, 2016

In God’s economy, all the gorillas in the world are not worth the life of one child who bears his own image and liken...