It’s hard to believe that we are nearly three months into a new year, another January season of prayer behind us and now a few sermons into our study of James. It’s such a healthy habit to begin each year in prayer together, asking God to align our hearts with His and to make us mindful of particular ways we can continue to be a community of “salt and light” in our unique time and place.
Yet, this year, January was loaded with even more significance than usual for the Denton campus. In addition to the usual topics of focus, this season of prayer marked the beginning of our downhill stretch as we transition from a satellite campus to a new local church. As many of you are aware, our campus voted in May, with overwhelming and profound unity, to make this significant transition. After taking a couple of months to exhale and rejoice in God’s clear leading, in July our elders began working tirelessly behind the scenes to understand, manage and oversee the execution of all the details necessary for a healthy transition. It has been quite a journey discovering what it really entails to prayerfully unlink a campus and establish it as an autonomous church.
In January, the most visible aspect of the transition—the preaching of our own staff—went underway. The preaching responsibility will shift completely to our staff by the end of the James series as Matt leaves for his sabbatical. It’s hard to believe, but Matt is only preaching a few more times to our campus before we become a new church.
August 16 is our last Sunday as a campus of The Village Church. On August 23, we will celebrate the birth-day of our new church, The Village Church Denton. Though it feels far off, it is right around the corner. Needless to say, there is a lot for us to do, behind the scenes and otherwise, over the remaining six and a half months. And this all comes as we strive to continue serving our church and community with the same level of focus and care that we have historically.
We covet your prayers as we continue to move forward. As we’ve walked into and through uncharted territory these past few months, I have been stirred to worship at God’s nearness and guidance. As we’ve highlighted and celebrated at every step along the way, God has been abundantly faithful to maintain the precious unity of our campus and provide for where He is leading us. In every observable way, our congregation is as healthy and unified as it’s ever been.
God has used your prayers and the faithful service and support of the central staff and central elders of The Village Church to encourage and bless us along the way. You have been abundantly generous. Thank you. I remain hopeful that, just as we were privileged to do as the very first campus of The Village, the lessons we are learning in our transition to a new church will serve you and your campus in the days ahead.