10/17/2025 to 10/25/2025
Middle East

On this trip to the Middle East, you will have an opportunity to partner in prayer with an organization that has a massive vision to see movement among the unreached. They aspire to see teams sent to the 172 prominent cities in their particular part of the Middle East to pray on the ground. These are cities that have little to no gospel witness and are in great need of a move of God. Come seek the Lord on their behalf, asking God to draw people to himself, connect local missionaries with people of peace, and ultimately see the church planted and grow in that city. To prepare for this work, you will have an orientation with a long-term team in a nearby major city and then take local transportation to a more remote part of the country. Once settling in, you’ll spend three to four days strategically prayer-walking in the city to create a prayer ‘map’. There will be very few Western amenities and few English speakers which will create the perfect environment to depend on the Lord’s leading throughout your time. After a few days, you’ll return to the major city and debrief with the long-term team and pass on what you were able to gather while in the smaller town. You’ll return home with the knowledge that you may have been the first people to pray to Jesus in that particular city in centuries and that any church that forms there in the future will be traced back to your prayers.

*Dates may be subject to change

Trip Requirements
Passport valid six months from date of return to the USA.
Training Dates
TBD - there will be at least three mandatory training dates prior to departure
10/17/2025 to 10/25/2025
Middle East