5/1/2025 to 5/11/2025

The Village Church is partnering with Videre to take a medical trip to Kenya and you are invited to come. Videre works with a Kenyan church planting organization committed to making disciples who make disciples. Compassion ministries are one way church planters take the gospel to new places. By bringing medical camps to rural villages focused on caring for immediate health needs, church planters have the opportunity to care for both the body and soul of their lost neighbors, mirroring Jesus' mission to preach and heal. We need medical professionals of all types - doctors, dentists, therapists, nurses, chiropractors, pharmacists, paramedics, etc. - to serve on this trip. Your expertise will be vital, even if your role differs slightly from what you do in the States. 

The medical clinics we provide are hosted by local church planters with permission from the government and village leaders. During each trip, we conduct four clinics, seeing hundreds of patients at each one. The church planters assist with clinic registration and translation, all while identifying opportunities to share the gospel and provide follow-up care. The medical providers (you) care for patients and also seek opportunities to share the gospel. 

*the cost includes flights and costs in Kenya and is an estimate based on current airfare prices; it is subject to change as necessary 

Trip Requirements
-Must have at least 6 months validity on your passport from date of return -Four pre-trip trainings, a post-trip debrief, and a copy of your professional license
February 9
5/1/2025 to 5/11/2025